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Dashen Bank Inaugurates Shoppers’ and Travelers’ Club Cards

Dashen Bank has inaugurated two new cards, the Travelers club card and the Shoppers’ club card, at its headquarters today with the presence of various stakeholders.

The Travelers Club card is aimed at providing club member customers with financing services that will make their journey seamless.

The Shoppers club card is prepared for frequent shoppers that creates better shopping experience through transaction discounts and financing their purchases of household items.

Both club cards are operated through a club membership debit card and can be opened and operated individually or jointly.

The club accounts that are needed to hold these cards are opened with a minimum initial deposit balance based on the customers’ desired status of membership.

Travelers club members have to deposit ETB 500,000, 1,000,000, 1,500,000, 2,000,000, and 2,500,000 to secure Basic, Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum Travelers’ Card Club membership respectively.

Shoppers club members have to deposit ETB 50,000, 100,000, 200,000, 300,000 and 400,000 to get Basic, Blue, Silver, Gold and Platinum Shoppers’ Club Card membership respectively.

For members of travelers Club Card, five percent discount on local transactions and purchases from the bank’s partner travel agents, hotels, resorts, and other shopping, recreational and vacation centers. For frequent shopper club members, the bank offers 6% on Basic, 7% on Blue, 8% on Silver, 9% for Gold amd 10% of platinum club account transactions conducted on the bank’s partner and purchases from the bank’s partner travel agents, hotels, resorts, and other shopping, recreational and vacation centers.

The Travelers’ Club Card and Shoppers’ Club Card also create privileged and expedited access to Fly Now Pay Later and DubeAle loans and priority to access the bank’s other customer loan products.

To be eligible for opening both accounts one needs to have valid and renewed ID card, two recent photographs, and optionally tax registration certificate.






