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Dashen Bank’s Staff Plant Indigenous Seedlings on Entoto Mountain

Dashen Bank’s staff has today planted indigenous seedlings on the hills of Entoto Mountain at the outskirts of Addis Ababa.

Addressing members of the Bank’s staff drawn from the Headquarters, District Offices and branches, Asfaw Alemu, CEO of Dashen Bank said the seedling plantation undertaken by the bank’s staff during the last consecutive years has been effective and shall be strengthened in the years to come.

As one of the projects run by the bank to discharge its corporate social responsibility, the annual seedling plantation tasks are performed in collaboration with the Ethiopian Heritage Trust, with whom Dashen Bank is a permanent member.

In addition to plantation of seedlings, the bank has been undertaking various tasks for the preservation and growing of them over the plots allocated to it by the Ethiopian heritage trust.

As part of implementation of its sixth strategic plan, Dashen bank has recently tailored the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policy and has established a department being engaged in environmental protection and preservation.

The Bank aligns its business activities with global goals like the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and promotes prevention of environmental pollution and conservation of biodiversity.

Dashen acknowledges the impact of climate change and commits to integrating climate considerations into its business operations. This includes promoting energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprint, and supporting environmentally sustainable initiatives.

Dashen will prioritize financing projects and businesses that adhere to sustainable environmental practices, promoting renewable energy, and environmentally friendly technologies.

As Permanent member of the Ethiopian Heritage Trust, a local NGO engaged in environmental protection and preservation, Dashen Bank provides financial and other supports to its endeavor to preserve and protect the environment.







