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Customer Target Group
  • Individuals who are 18 years of age and above
  • Legal persons [sole proprietors, MSM enterprises, corporates, associations, partnership, etc.]
Product Features / Value Propositions
  • Shall be opened and operated individually or jointly
  • Shall be opened with a minimum initial investment fund of Birr 50,000
  • Shall be issued Certificate of Investment Fund
  • Shall be backed by Mudarabah contractual agreement
  • Offer flexible investment period [a minimum of 6-months and maximum of 24 months)
  • Shall have restrictions on withdrawal but when the customer opts, it/she/he can do so as per the terms and conditions to that effect [i.e., early withdrawal]
  • Offer progressive PSR in Tenure and value, minimum of 40:60 [40% for the Bank and 60% for the Customer]
  • Consideration for tenure and value of deposit and investment through progressive weightage
  • Certificate of Investment Fund can serve as collateral
  • Low investment fund [i.e., as low as Birr 50,000]
  • Profit paid immediately after maturity
  • Flexibility of initial investment fund renewal
  • Auto renewal of the initial investment fund or inclusive of profit depending on the  request of the customer
Eligibility Requirements
  • Fulfil all basic KYC and due diligence requirements [as applicable in the current practice, for e.g., regular Wadia’h Saving Account]
  • Must maintain either Wadia’h Saving or Qard account
  • Should be willing to declare that the sources of deposit is Halal or Shari’ah compliant sources